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Labour market in Oman now open for 12 specific categories: minister

State Minister for Expatriates’ Welfare and Overseas Employment, Shofiqur Rahman Choudhury, has announced that the Oman government has opened its labour market for Bangladesh in 12 categories — including doctors, engineers, nurses, and teachers.
The state minister said this after Oman Ambassador to Bangladesh Abdul Ghaffar Abdul Karim Al Bulushi paid a courtesy call on him at his ministry this afternoon.
While briefing reporters, the ambassador said the Oman government will legalise 96,000 Bangladeshi migrants.
He added that his country is also waiving fines for undocumented Bangladeshi migrants.
“The possibility of dedicating a Technical Training Centre (TTC) to Oman was also discussed. We want one of our TTCs to train workers according to Oman’s needs,” he said.
The minister added that a joint working group meeting between the two countries is likely to be held soon.
