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Police clash with pro-Palestine protesters on college campuses in California and Texas

Hundreds of officers charged at students in Austin in chaotic and violent scenes

Police arrested dozens of protesters in California and Texas on Wednesday night as pro-Palestine protests continue to spread across the US.
At the University of Texas in Austin, state highway patrol troopers in riot gear and police on horseback broke up a protest and arrested 20 people.
The University of Southern California declared its campus closed and asked the Los Angeles Police Department to clear a demonstration. 
Police arrested students who surrendered to officers one by one, hours after campus police who took down an encampment were overwhelmed by protesters and requested LAPD help.
Other demonstrations took place at Brown University in Providence, Rhode Island, the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor, Massachusetts Institute of Technology in Cambridge, and California State Polytechnic in Humboldt.
Protesting students have demanded universities divest assets from Israel and seek to pressure the US government to rein in Israeli strikes on Palestinian civilians.
The mostly peaceful arrests in California were in sharp contrast to the chaos that ensued just hours earlier at the University of Texas at Austin.
Hundreds of local and state police — including some on horseback and holding batons — pushed into protesters, at one point sending some tumbling into the street. Officers made 34 arrests at the behest of the university and Texas Governor Gregg Abbott, according to the state Department of Public Safety.
A photographer covering the demonstration for Fox 7 Austin was in the push-and-pull when an officer yanked him backward to the ground, according to video footage on the network. The station confirmed that the photographer was arrested. 
A long-time Texas journalist was knocked down in the mayhem and could be seen bleeding before police helped him to emergency medical staff.
Dane Urquhart, a third-year Texas student, called the police presence and arrests an “over-reaction,” adding that the protest “would have stayed peaceful” if the officers had not turned out in force.
“Because of all the arrests, I think a lot more (demonstrations) are going to happen,” Mr Urquhart said.
Police left after hours of efforts to control the crowd, and about 300 demonstrators moved back in to sit on the grass and chant under the school’s iconic clock tower.
In a statement on Wednesday night, the university’s president, Jay Hartzell, said: “Our rules matter, and they will be enforced. Our University will not be occupied.”
North of USC, students at California State Polytechnic University, Humboldt, were barricaded inside a building for a third day, and the school shut down campus through the weekend and made classes virtual.
Harvard University in Massachusetts had sought to stay ahead of protests this week by limiting access to Harvard Yard and requiring permission for tents and tables. That didn’t stop protesters from setting up a camp with 14 tents Wednesday following a rally against the university’s suspension of the Harvard Undergraduate Palestine Solidarity Committee.
Students protesting the Israel-Hamas war are demanding schools cut financial ties to Israel and divest from companies enabling its monthslong conflict. 
Some Jewish students say the protests have veered into anti-Semitism and made them afraid to set foot on campus, partly prompting a heavier hand from universities.
At New York University this week, police said 133 protesters were taken into custody, while over 40 protesters were arrested Monday at an encampment at Yale University.
Columbia University averted another confrontation between students and police earlier on Wednesday. 
University President Minouche Shafik had on Tuesday set a midnight deadline to reach an agreement on clearing an encampment, but the school extended negotiations, saying it would continue talks with protesters for another 48 hours.
On a visit to campus Wednesday, US House Speaker Mike Johnson, a Republican, called on Shafik to resign “if she cannot bring order to this chaos.”
“If this is not contained quickly and if these threats and intimidation are not stopped, there is an appropriate time for the National Guard,” he said.
On Wednesday evening, a Columbia spokesperson said rumours that the university had threatened to bring in the National Guard were unfounded. “Our focus is to restore order, and if we can get there through dialogue, we will,” said Ben Chang, Columbia’s vice president for communications.
